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1 Bob Levin  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 3:32:42pm

Then we also get a F in economics—because addressing climate change is what is going to fix the economy.

This doesn’t have to be dealt with on a national level. One state can make it a priority, attract new companies, implement new technology, see employment rise, and other states, other countries, will quickly follow suit.

2 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 5:37:05pm
Hmmm… looks like LVQ has a big job ahead of him instructing Americans on thermodynamics….

No kidding. I would be happy if Americans just got that:

1. CO2 ultimately works like a coat for the planet. If you put on a coat on a summer day, you overheat.

2. Melted ice turns to water which has to go somewhere.

3. Heating up places that already don’t get enough water makes them worse.

4. Crops don’t magically appear. They need the right temperature and water conditions. Changing climates mean changing where crops can grow.

5. No amount of rhetoric will change that 1-4.

3 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 5:37:17pm

re: #1 Bob Levin

Then we also get a F in economics—because addressing climate change is what is going to fix the economy.

This doesn’t have to be dealt with on a national level. One state can make it a priority, attract new companies, implement new technology, see employment rise, and other states, other countries, will quickly follow suit.

Excellent post.

4 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 5:38:01pm
Hmmm… looks like LVQ has a big job ahead of him instructing Americans on thermodynamics…

Ohh and speaking of which did you see my latest thermo post?

5 freetoken  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 6:59:27pm

re: #4 LudwigVanQuixote

I didn’t have much time, but I skimmed it. I’m wondering if you’re going to link to Dave Archer’s online videos.

6 freetoken  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 7:03:14pm

re: #4 LudwigVanQuixote

I added a link in my essay.

7 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 7:16:29pm

re: #5 freetoken

I didn’t have much time, but I skimmed it. I’m wondering if you’re going to link to Dave Archer’s online videos.

I never heard of them! I’ll have to look them up.

re: #6 freetoken

I added a link in my essay.


8 freetoken  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 8:12:00pm

re: #7 LudwigVanQuixote

I never heard of them! I’ll have to look them up.



He’s a physical chemist, and contributor to RealClimate. Charles has highlighted his “Understanding” book before.

His lectures suffer from probably trying to simplify some items too much, and it looks like the class is geared at too wide of an audience to really be able to do what is needed.

When I first looked at the vids in detail what leaped out at me is how he seemed like a chemist - this is before I looked up his bio. WRT climatology I think I would have taken a different, more holistic, approach. Plus he could really have used some in class demonstrations (e.g., of a spectrum).

Yet at least they are online and some will get use out of them.

9 FreedomMoon  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 9:53:33pm

I kinda looked around for a bit but couldn’t find it, does anyone know where one could take said test?

10 freetoken  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 9:58:35pm

re: #9 tacuba14

As far as I know it was not an online “test”. The methodology section of the report says:

The surveys were conducted by Knowledge Networks, using an online research panel of American adults. The survey was conducted June 24 through July 22, 2010 with 2,030 American adults.

I assume the Knowledge Networks company continually recruits Americans to participate in their surveys, and then selected a subset of those who fit the following:

The sample was weighted to correspond with US Census Bureau demographic and Gallup political party identification parameters for the United States.

11 freetoken  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 10:00:05pm

Here’s the KN website, where one can learn more about their methods:

12 FreedomMoon  Thu, Oct 14, 2010 10:07:36pm

Yeah I figured it wasn’t administered in that manner, but was hoping they uploaded it so you could see how well you compare. For some reason I get a kick seeing how well I stack up on these surveys with the average American, especially regarding topics that intrigue me.

13 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 15, 2010 7:33:36am

F?! You don’t understand — that’s an F for FREEEEEEEEDOMMMMMM!!

//beanz, beanz up your nose

14 aagcobb  Sat, Oct 16, 2010 5:19:06am

How about that, Half of Americans are qualified to be a GOP candidate for Congress!

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